Index to our previous shows
Shows from April, 2002
Shows from March, 2002
Shows from February, 2002
Shows from January, 2002
Shows from December, 2001
Shows from November, 2001
Shows from October, 2001
Shows from September, 2001
Shows from August, 2001
Shows from July, 2001
Shows from June, 2001
Shows from May, 2001
April 30, 2001 - Chuck Pogue {Part 2 of interview}
April 18, 2001 - Chuck Pogue {Part 1 of interview}
Shows from March, 2001
Shows from February, 2001
Shows from January, 2001
Shows from November - December, 2000
Shows from September - October, 2000
Shows from July - August, 2000
Please note : At the end of June major changes were made to the "Previous Shows" pages. This may have caused a problem if you had previously bookmarked one of those modified pages. If you are looking for a specific interview and can't find it on this page, then please check the Audio Index Page where you will be able to find links to all of the shows sorted by show date and interview guest.
Charles Edward Pogue - Part 2
On Monday April 30, 2001 our guest was again screen writer Charles Edward Pogue. We're continuing our conversation with him about the creative process of screenwriting and the challenges that one faces when turning a screenplay into a completed film. {We've broken Chuck's interview into two parts because it was quite long. What can I say? When he and I sit down to chat we just talk and talk.}

In this show we talk about Chuck's work on Psycho III, Dragonheart, his unfilmed screenplay for A Princess of Mars and about the issues that are behind the current contract negotiations by the Screenwriters Guild.
His screenplay for Dragonheart brings tears to your eyes and shows that the finished film is but a shadow of the original story. Reading this screenplay can only make you yearn for the film that might have been, if only the director had actually followed the original screenplay.
His screenplay for A Princess of Mars is one of the best screenplays that I've ever read. It captures the adventure of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars stories while managing to find a take on the characters that is both contemporary and respectful to the original story. We can only hope that someday it will actually get filmed, for this screenplay would make a wonderful film.
The films Chuck has worked on include;
The Sign of Four (1983), The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983), The Fly (1986), Psycho III (1986), D.O.A. (1988), Hands of a Murderer (1990), Dragonheart (1996), Kull the Conqueror (1997) and characters for
Dragonheart: A New Beginning (2000).
Listen to this week's show
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {1:22:41}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{14:52}
- Click here for our interview with Charles Edward Pogue. {1:05:38} Please note that this is the second part of a two part interview. The first part was aired on our previous show.
- Click here for the show's closing.{1:30}
- Click here to listen to the entire Chuck Pogue Interview. {2:25:51} Please note that this is quite long, which is why it was split into two parts that were aired on successive weeks.
- Click here for our show featuring the first part of tonight's two part interview.
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Nebulas, Movies and more
You can find out who won this year's Nebula awards by going to our SF Awards page and you can learn more about the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America by going to their web site.
You can read the complete text of A Princess of Mars at this site or view examples of the cover art from that book at this site.
The Internet Movie Database is a great source of information about films. Here's a link to their information about the films Chuck Pogue has worked on.
And of course, there's always Harry Knowles Ain't It Cool News web site where you can find news, rumors and opinions about upcoming films and more.
ISS News
A great source of news about Russian space activities, including the flight of Dennis Tito, can be found at the Russian Space Web.
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page or the Boeing web page to learn more about this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can find out when the ISS - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
Space News
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. They also have on-going coverage of the flight of Dennis Tito to the ISS. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Charles Edward Pogue - Part 1
On Wednesday - April 18, 2001 - our guest was screen writer Charles Edward Pogue. I've known Chuck for a number of years and always enjoy having the chance to chat with him about movies and screen writing. His film adaptations of two Sherlock Holmes stories are some of the best ever done. His screenplay for Dragonheart thrills and brings tears to your eyes - even if the completed film didn't always manage to do the same. And his screenplay for A Princess of Mars is one of the best screenplays that I've ever read. It captures the adventure of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars stories while managing to find a take on the characters that is both contemporary and respectful to the original story.
Of all the people it takes to make a movie, only one starts working with nothing more than their imagination and story telling talent. That person is the screen writer. Until the screenplay has been written, there are no problems to be solved or adventures to be had. There are no characters saying witty dialog or making pointed observations on the human condition. Until the screenplay gets written the movie does not exist in any tangible form.
And yet, after the screenplay is finished it seems like everyone wants to make changes to it. All the while ignoring the fact that a screenplay is a highly crafted piece of work where everything has been carefully fitted together to tell a coherent and, hopefully, entertaining story. You don't go pulling threads out of a tapestry and expect it to hold together and, likewise, you shouldn't expect a screenplay to hold together if you start making willy-nilly changes to it.

Chuck has been tirelessly working to promote the work of screen writers everywhere and is currently on the Board of Directors of the Screen Writers Guild of America. He has been an out-spoken advocate for screen writers and has many insiteful observations about the process of making movies and why that process breaks down so often.
The films Chuck has worked on include;
The Sign of Four (1983), The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983), The Fly (1986), Psycho III (1986), D.O.A. (1988), Hands of a Murderer (1990), Dragonheart (1996), Kull the Conqueror (1997) and characters for
Dragonheart: A New Beginning (2000).
Listen to this week's show
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {1:32:20}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{9:05}
- Click here for our interview with Charles Edward Pogue {1:20:13}
- Click here for the show's closing.{2:21}
- Click here to listen to the entire Chuck Pogue Interview. {2:25:51} Please note that this is quite long, which is why it was split into two parts that were aired on successive weeks.
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Sherlock Holmes, Movies and more
There are many web sites filled with information about Sherlock Holmes. I'll just point you toward a few. The Baker Street Connection contains on-line copies the various Holmes stories that are currently in public domain, including The Sign of Four and The Hound of the Baskervilles. The Sherlockian.Net and 221-B On-Line both contain a wealth of information about Holmes and a huge number of links to other Sherlockian sites. Further information about Sherlock Holmes can be found at the Sherlock Holmes Society of London.
The Internet Movie Database is a great source of information about films. Here's a link to their information about the films Chuck Pogue has worked on.
And of course, there's always Harry Knowles Ain't It Cool News web site where you can find news, rumors and opinions about upcoming films and more.
2001 - Mars Odyssey
The official web site for the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission contains a lot of information about that project and will have a live web cast of its upcoming launch.
Two great web sites about Mars and Mars Missions are the Mars Exploration web site at JPL and the Center for Mars Exploration at NASA Ames Research Center.
You can find collections of Mars images at the Malin Space Systems Gallery of Images from Mars Global Surveyor or at the National Space Science Data Center Mars Photo Gallery.
For the latest in news from Mars be sure to visit MarsNews.com.
The Romance to Reality web site contains information about 270 {!} Mars mission studies dating back to the 1950's. Looking at this site reminds me of what might have been, but it also makes me dream of what yet may be. Highly recommended.
To get in touch with other persons interested in the human exploration of Mars you should checkout the homepage of The Mars Society
ISS News
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page or the Boeing web page to learn more about this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can find out when the ISS - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
Space News
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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