Index to our previous shows
Shows from April, 2002
Shows from March, 2002
Shows from February, 2002
Shows from January, 2002
Shows from December, 2001
Shows from November, 2001
Shows from October, 2001
Shows from September, 2001
Shows from August, 2001
Shows from July, 2001
Shows from June, 2001
Shows from May, 2001
Shows from April, 2001
Shows from March, 2001
Shows from February, 2001
Shows from January, 2001
December 31 - Harry Knowles
December 22 - Christmas Readings
December 15 - Caleb Carr
December 8 - George R.R. Martin
December 1 - John Harrison
November 24 - 'Live on disc' from Loscon
November 17 - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
November 10 - Thomas R. McDonough
November 5 - Dave Tholen and Bill Bottke
November 1 - Jerry Doyle
Shows from September - October, 2000
Shows from July - August, 2000
This Week - Harry Knowles
On Friday December 31 our guest was Harry Knowles, the proprietor of the Ain't It Cool News web site. Operating outside of the normal - and highly sanitized - system for getting news about films, Harry uses information gleaned directly from the people who are working on the movies that he talks about. This causes consternation for the studios but gives you a much more 'real' sense of what's going on with the movies.
I met Harry at Loscon a few weeks ago and we hit it off in grand style because we both have a special love for the great old B movies. So we sat down and recorded an interview about old movies, new movies and Harry's adventures as a collector of film memorabilia.
Please note that this week's show doesn't have a science and space news segment like most other shows. We've been having some computer problems and the time that would have been used for prepping the show has been eaten up by these problems. {This is also why the show wasn't uploaded on Friday.} The science and space news will be back with next week's show.
Listen to our show featuring Harry Knowles
- Click here to listen to the entire show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here to listen to the interview with Harry Knowles.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Check out Harry Knowles Ain't It Cool News web site to catch the latest news, rumors and opinions about classic and upcoming films. Way cool!
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Christmas Readings
On Friday December 22 we continued an Hour 25 tradition by bringing you readings of seasonal stories with a twist of the fantastic. Our first story was Christmas Every Day by William Dean Howells, a cautionary tale warning you to be careful about what you wish for, lest you get it. Our second story was John Harper Wilson by Allen Steele. This is an alternate universe story about how the first man on the Moon was changed by his experiences one Christmas eve. {And I've got to tell you that getting an email from Allen on Christmas morning telling me how much he enjoyed my reading of his story has to be one of the coolest Christmas presents I could get.}
Listen to our Christmas Show
- Click here to listen to the entire show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here for Suzanne's reading of Christmas Every Day by William Dean Howells.
- Click here for my reading of the Allen Steele story John Harper Wilson.
- Click here for my thoughts about Hour 25 during this holiday season.
- Click here for a Christmas greeting from the Apollo 8 astronauts.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
IMPORTANT. Don't try and view the upcoming eclipse without first learning about eclipse eye safety. Click here to find out about the precautions you need to use when viewing a solar eclipse!
You can go here to learn more about the Christmas day solar eclipse from a NASA web site.
There is an especially good web page about this solar eclipse at the Space.com web site. {And while there be sure to check out the columns that Larry Niven has written for them.}
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the re-docking of the Progress transport with the ISS. They will have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages giving you the latest information about this activity. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. This site has published a number of training manuals used by the astronauts to prepare for their work on the the space station. They make fascinating reading. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Information about the science behind a mission to Pluto and reasons for why delaying a Pluto mission means science lost, not science delayed can be found in the interview I did with Dave Tholen and Bill Bottke about a month ago. Click here to listen to that interview.
The Planetary Society has been working to get the Pluto mission reinstated with a timely mission profile. Click here to learn more about the Planetary Society or here to learn more about their work to save the Pluto mission.
The plutomission.com web site was responsible for getting thousands of people to write to their congress persons in support of a mission to Pluto. This web site now serves as a focal point for interest and activities associated with this mission.
You can find out more about Allen Steele and his books by going to his web site.
You can also find out more about Allen by checking out this interview with him at Science Fiction Weekly or in this interview at Locus Online.
You can read "John Harper Wilson" in Allen's anthology Rude Astronauts, published by Old Earth Books. {They have plans to have a web site at this location, but as of tonight - 12/22/2000 - they don't have anything there.}
Allen's novel Tranquillity Alternative is set in the alternate universe of "John Harper Wilson" and is a really good read. This book was published by Ace Books. You can find out about their other titles by checking out their newsletter.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Caleb Carr - Author of Killing Time
On Friday December 15 our guest was Caleb Carr, author of Killing Time. This most excellent book is set in the near future where a group of people use the 'net to demonstrate that information is not knowledge. Way cool.
Caleb is perhaps best known for his fascinating historical/thriller novels The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness. He has also worked on films and TV, you might remember that we had him on a few years ago to discuss a project he was working on with Joe Dante. He is now working on a new Exorcest film that focuses on character development and not special effects.
 Caleb Carr - Photo Copyright © Robin Saidman
 Cover Courtesy of Random House Books
Listen to our show featuring Caleb Carr
- Click here to listen to the entire show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here for the interview with Caleb Carr.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to see the current calendar of events for the Los Angeles area.
Click here to go to the publisher's web site for Killing Time or go here to visit the Random House web site and find out about their other current books.
You can go here to view a web page about Caleb's historical/thriller novel The Angel of Darkness.
There are a number of print interviews with Caleb on the 'net. You can go here to view an interview about Killing Time or go here or here for interviews about his other books.
Information about developments on the 'net can be found at the web site for the World Wide Web Consortium.
The TRUSTe web site directly address how we can build Web that can be trusted.
Information about freedom of expression on the 'net and other issues can be found at web site for the Electronic Freedom Foundation. These issues are also discussed at many other sites, including; the Internet Free Expression Alliance, the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, the Free Expression Network and at the Center for Democracy and Technology.
The NASA Watch web site has several great articles about the recent discoveries on Mars. Check there also for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
More information about evidence for past life on Mars can be found at this NASA web site.
More links with information about Mars and missions to Mars can be found at our interview with Tom McDonough or at our interview with George R.R. Martin.
Click here to go to the web site for MirCorp to learn more about their plans for the future.
Click here to go to the web site for RSC Energia and learn more about the company that builds the Soyuz and much of the hardware for MIR and the ISS.
You can visit a very good web site about the MIR space station by going here.
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia is a fantastic source of information about the planets outside our solar system. It is highly recommended.
Click here for more information about the most recently discovered extra solar planets and go here to learn more about the observing program that discovered these planets.
The Planetary Society maintains a web page about extra solar planets that is a good source of additional information. {Please note that their page is currently being revised so don't forget to check it out in the future.}
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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George R. R. Martin - Author of A Storm of Swords
On Friday December 8 our guest was George R.R. Martin, author of A Storm of Swords, the third book in his "Song of Ice and Fire" epic fantasy series.
In addition to having written many award winning stories and novels - including Dying of the Light, Fever Dream, Armageddon Rag, "Song for Lya", "Sandkings", "Blood of the Dragon" and many more - he was the story editor for the new Twilight Zone TV series and a writer/producer for "Beauty and the Beast".
 George R.R. Martin - photo Copyright © PARRIS
 Cover Courtesy of Bantam Dell Books
Listen to our show featuring George R.R.Martin
- Click here to listen to the entire show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here for the interview with George R.R. Martin.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to see the current calendar of events for the Los Angeles area.
Click here to go to the official George R.R. Martin web site or go here to find one of the many fan sites filled with information about his books.
You can go here to view the Publisher's page for A Storm of Swords or go here to find out about other science fiction and fantasy books from Bantam Dell books.
More information about recent developments in High Temperature Superconductors can be found at the Los Alamos Laboratories High Temperature Superconductivity Technology Center web site. This site also contains links to many more web pages featuring information about superconductivity.
Information about how cloning and genetic engineering are being used to develop chickens whose eggs contain cancer treatment drugs can be found at the web site for the Roslin Institute or at the web site for Viragen.
Information about the ethical considerations associated with genetic engineering can be found at the GeneWatch web site.
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the on-going mission of Space Shuttle Endeavour to the ISS. They will have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages giving you the latest information about this mission. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
Click here to view the press kit for the current Shuttle mission or go here to view press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can read more about the discovery of sedimentary rocks on Mars and view pictures of these features by going to this page at the Science magazine web site.
Click here to go to the homepage for Malin Space Systems and learn about the discovery of sedimentary rocks on Mars. This site also has a huge(!) archive of images of Mars taken by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
The NASA Watch web site has several great articles about the recent discoveries on Mars. Check there also for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
More links with information about Mars and missions to Mars can be found at our interview with Tom McDonough.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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John Harrison - Writer/Director of the Dune Miniseries
On Friday December 1 our guest was John Harrison, the writer/director of the Dune miniseries that premiered on the SciFi Channel on Sunday, December 3.
 John Harrison Photo Courtesy SciFi Channel
 Paul Atreides {Alec Newman} Photo Courtesy SciFi Channel
 Princess Irulan {Julie Cox} with Duke Leto Atreides {William Hurt} Photo Courtesy SciFi Channel - Photographer Peter Rolick
Listen to our show featuring John Harrison
- Click here to listen to the entire show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here for the interview with John Harrison.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
- Click here for our show with Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson discussing Dune: House Harkonnen.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to see the current calendar of events showing things happening in the Los Angeles area or check out our Authors on Tour page to find out which authors will be doing signings in other cities.
Click here to go to the official web site the SciFi Channel's mini-series Dune or go here to find other offerings from the SciFi Channel.
More links for Dune web sites can be found at our interview with Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
The NASA Watch web site is one of my favorite internet sources for finding breaking news about spaceflight and astronomy. Check there for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the upcoming flight of Space Shuttle Endeavour to the ISS. They will have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages giving you the latest information about this mission. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
Click here to view the press kit for the current Shuttle mission or go here to view press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Live 'on disc' from Loscon 27
On Friday - November 24 - we did the show in front of a live audience at Loscon 27, a science fiction convention that happens each Thanksgiving weekend out here in Los Angeles. Our guests were many and varied as we brought you the people who put on the con as well as a number of the people who were special guests of the convention. Appearing on this edition of Hour 25 were;
Shaun Lyon - co-chair for the con, Craig Miller and Genny Dazzo - fan guests of honor, Orson Scott Card - pro guest of honor, Bob Eggleton - artist guest of honor and Harry Knowles - special guest.
I could tell you more about our guests, but the best way to learn about them would be for you to check out their bios at the Loscon Website .
Listen to our Loscon show
- Click here to listen to the show.
- Click here to listen to the show start.
- Click here to listen to the show's opening.
- Click here to listen to the calendar.
- Click here for the interview with Shaun Lyon.
- Click here for the interview with Craig Miller and Genny Dazzo.
- Click here for the interview with Orson Scott Card.
- Click here for the interview with Bob Eggleton.
- Click here for the interview with Harry Knowles.
- Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to go to the web site for The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) or go here for their web page for this year's Loscon.
Click here to go to Orson Scott Card's official web site.
Click here to go to Bob Eggleton's official web site or go to the NovaGraphics web site to see more samples of his work and purchase prints of his paintings.
Click here to go to Harry Knowle's Ain't It Cool News web site.
Check out this Astrobiology web site for breaking news about astrobiology and the possibility that scientists might have discovered non-terrestrial bacteria.
The NASA Watch web site is one of my favorite internet sources for finding breaking news about spaceflight and astronomy. Check there for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the upcoming flight of Space Shuttle Endeavour to the ISS. They will have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages giving you the latest information about this mission. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
Click here to view the press kit for the Shuttle mission that is going to the ISS on November 30 or go here to view press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Click here to go to the home page for MIR corp to learn about their plans for the MIR space station.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
On Friday November 17 our guest was author Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. When she was in town a week ago to do a couple of signings, Suzanne and I sat down with her to talk about her new book Come Twilight and to find out how she manages to be so prolific while still finding the time to do all the research that her books require.
It's almost Thanksgiving and that means it's just about time for Loscon. This long running convention brings science fiction fans from across the nation together in Los Angeles for a weekend of talking and panels and book buying and movie watching and parties and … well, you get the picture. To get you ready for this year's Loscon we were joined on the phone by Christian McGuire - the con's co-chair - and Mike Glyer - the programming chair - to talk about this convention and other subjects.
 Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - Photo Credit : Greg Preston
Listen to our show with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Click here to listen to the show.
Click here to listen to the show start.
Click here to listen to the show's opening.
Click here to hear Suzanne talk about children's books.
Click here for this week's news.
Click here for the interview with Christian McGuire.
Click here for the interview with Mike Glyer.
Click here to listen to the calendar.
Click here for the interview with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.
Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to read what Suzanne had to say about children's books about magic.
Click here to go Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's official web site.
Click here to go the Hidden Knowledge web site and learn more about their ebooks and to get one of Quinn's books.
Click here to go a web site with a lot of information about Count St. Germain or here for another site about Quinn's books.
Click here to go the web site for Tor Books, the publisher of Come Twilight.
Click here to go to the web site for The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) or go here for their web page for this year's Loscon.
Click here to go to Mike Glyer's web site for his Hugo winning fanzine File 770.
Go here to find out more about the Leonids meteor shower that is happening this weekend and to view live images of it taken from a high altitude balloon.
The NASA Watch web site is one of my favorite internet sources for finding breaking news about spaceflight and astronomy. Check there for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the mission of the ISS Expedition 1 crew. They often have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions.
Click here to view the press kit for the Shuttle mission that is going to the ISS on November 30 or go here to view press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Thomas R. McDonough
On Friday - November 10 - our guest was scientist and author Thomas R. McDonough. Tom is the SETI coordinator for the Planetary Society and we chatted with him about the possible ways that we might make contact with non-Terrestrial intelligences. We also had an interesting discussion with him about how the Internet is opening new venues for authors and how it is bringing back good books that have fallen out of print.
{And if you want a great example of an out of print book that is now available over the Internet, check out the links below to get a copy of Tom's most excellent book, The Architects of Hyperspace. Highly recommended.} |
 Thomas R. McDonough
Listen to our show with Thomas R. McDonough
Click here to listen to this show.
Click here to listen to the show start.
Click here to listen to the show's opening.
Click here to listen to the calendar.
Click here for the interview with Tom.
Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to purchase a printed copy of Tom's book Architects of Hyperspace and have it shipped directly to you from iUniverse.com.
Click here to go to the iUniverse web site and learn more about what they do or click here to go directly to the iUnverse bookstore.
Find out more about the Sceptics Society by going here.
The Planetary Society is an organization dedicated to the exploration of our universe. Their web site has information about what they do, news about the planetary program and information about how to join the society.
Click here to find out more about the Planetary Society's work in the SETI field and to learn how you can join them in the SETI@home program or click here to go to the SETI@home web site.
Click here to find out about the SETI Institute or click here to go to web site for the SETI League.
 Click on Tom's book to purchase a copy from iUniverse.com.
Click here to find out about SETI work at U.C. Berkley or go here to find out more about Optical SETI work.
Go here to find out more about the Leonids meteor shower and to view live images of it taken from a high altitude balloon.
Go here to visit the JPL Mars Exploration Program web site.
To find out more about NASA's newest plans for Martian exploration go to this site at the National Space Science Data Center.
Click here to find out about the rovers that NASA plans to fly to Mars in the near future.
Click here to go to the homepage for Malin Space Systems and learn about the imaging systems used on the spacecraft that explore Mars. This site also has a huge(!) archive of images of Mars taken by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
Go here to visit a site at the NASA Ames Research Center filled with information about Mars missions or go here to vist the site of the Center for Mars Exploration.
The Martian Chronicle is an electronic newsletter about Martian Exploration put out by JPL and it can be found here.
Percival Lowell spent his life observing Mars and popularizing the idea that Mars was covered by canals built by a dying civilization. An illustrated HTML edition of his book Mars, published in 1895, is available on-line and makes fascinating reading. The picture he painted of Mars colored much of our thinking about that planet during the last century and influenced many science fiction stories, as you can see from the two books listed below.
The H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds is available on-line and can be read here.
A Princess of Mars
by Edgar Rice Burroughs is available on-line and can be read here.
Please note that the three books listed above are in the Public Domain and so their text files can be distributed freely over the internet. Books that are not Public Domain cannot be distributed in that fashion.
The NASA Watch web site is one of my favorite internet sources for finding breaking news about spaceflight and astronomy. Check there for news about the goings on within NASA. Highly recommended.
The Spaceflight Now web site will be carrying real time information about the mission of the ISS Expedition 1 crew. They often have live video and audio along with frequently updated text pages. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Dave Tholen and Bill Bottke
On Sunday November 5th our guests were astronomers Dave Tholen and Bill Bottke. We chatted with them about asteroids and other aspects of planetary science. In this show you'll find out about the dangers from asteroids whose orbits cross the orbit of the Earth and learn why it's difficult to discover these objects. I think the hairs on the back of your neck will go up when you learn just how many asteroids zip past the Earth each week. |
 Bill Bottke (left) and Dave Tholen (right) - Picture Copyright © Burt Handelsman 2000
We also chatted with them about the planet Pluto and about why the delay of NASA's Pluto Express mission is a terrible blow to science.
A few days after we recorded this interview, literally just as the show was being prepared for uploading, it was announced that one of the asteroids that Dave has discovered had a 'non-zero' chance of inpacting the Earth in 2030. However a couple of days later further analysis improved our knowledge of this asteroid's orbit and eliminated the chance of its impacting the Earth. It looks like we dodged the bullet this time, but who knows what other objects are out there taking a bead on our home planet.
An impact of the Earth by a large asteroid could cause the extinction of most of the life on Earth. If we continue to develop our capabilities as a space-faring people then we will have the ability to prevent such cosmic accidents. If we turn our backs on the development of space then we, and all life on Earth, will be helpless against such events. In that case we will join the dinosaurs in extinction. And in our case, we would deserve that fate for our unwillingness to face the challenges that life puts before us. Like Larry Niven has said, "The reason the dinosaurs are extinct is that they didn't have a space program."
Listen to our show with Dave Tholen and Bill Bottke
Click here to listen to the entire show.
Click here to listen to the show start.
Click here to listen to the show's opening.
Click here to listen to the calendar.
Click here for the interview with Dave and Bill.
Click here to listen to the closing of the show.
Jerry Doyle
On Wednesday November 1 we aired a special edition of Hour 25 featuring an interview with Jerry Doyle. Most of you know him as Mr. Garibaldi from Babylon 5, but he's also a man with a diverse background and now he's running for Congress in California's 24th district.
Now this isn't the usual kind of political interview where the candidate gives his canned stump speech or bland answers to generic questions. Instead, it's just two guys chatting about what it's like to run for Congress. You'll get a chance to see the world through the eyes of someone who is undertaking one of the most high profile gigs you can find.
Regular editions of Hour 25 are uploaded on Friday nights (Los Angeles time} though they sometimes get uploaded later if we are having technical or scheduling difficulties. But we also put up special editions at any time we can. The best way to know when new shows are available is to send me an email (wwjames@earthlink.net) and become a subscriber to the free Hour 25 Newsletter. New issues are sent out whenever a new show is uploaded. Being on this mailing list will let you be among the first to know when you can hear new shows featuring interviews with the most interesting people from the worlds of science fiction and science.
Listen to our show featuring Jerry Doyle
Click here to listen to the entire show.
Click here to listen to the show start.
Click here to listen to the show's opening.
Click here for the interview with Jerry Doyle.
Click here to listen to closing of the show.
Click the Doyle for Congress graphic to go to Jerry Doyle's web site.
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