Index to our previous shows
Shows from April, 2002
Shows from March, 2002
Shows from February, 2002
Shows from January, 2002
Shows from December, 2001
Shows from November, 2001
Shows from October, 2001
Shows from September, 2001
Shows from August, 2001
Shows from July, 2001
Shows from June, 2001
Shows from May, 2001
Shows from April, 2001
Shows from March, 2001
February 23, 2001 - Michael Cassutt
February 16, 2001 - Kyrie by Poul Anderson
February 9, 2001 - Harry Turtledove
February 2, 2001 - Rick Fleeter from AeroAstro
Shows from January, 2001
Shows from November - December, 2000
Shows from September - October, 2000
Shows from July - August, 2000
Please note : At the end of June major changes were made to the "Previous Shows" pages. This may have caused a problem if you had previously bookmarked one of those modified pages. If you are looking for a specific interview and can't find it on this page, then please check the Audio Index Page where you will be able to find links to all of the shows sorted by show date and interview guest.
Michael Cassutt
On Friday February 23, 2001 our guest was author Michael Cassutt, who chatted with us about his new book Red Moon and the Soviet program to put a cosmonaut on the Moon.
During the 1960's the Soviet Union and the United States were locked in a race to see which nation could be first to land a man on the Moon. America won that race on July 20, 1969 when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. But what about the Soviets? What was their plan for landing a man on the Moon? How close did they come to winning this race?
Michael Cassutt's book Red Moon is a fictionalized account of the Soviet Moon Program as seen through the eyes of a young engineer/cosmonaut. In it you come to know the people and conflicts within that program and feel their bitter disappointment as they go from being the clear winner to a politically dismissed 'didn't run'.
I really enjoyed Michael's book because it put a human face on a story I was familiar with from the perspective of science and technology. And it didn't hurt that he got all the science stuff right. This book skillfully blends actual historical events with a 'whodunnit' involving the death of Sergi Korolev, the Chief Designer of the Soviet Space Program, and Yuri Gagarin, the first man to orbit the Earth. I knew as soon as I read this book that we'd have to have him on Hour 25.
Listen to our show featuring Michael Cassutt
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {1:52:51}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{16:13}
- Click here for our interview with Michael Cassutt.{1:34:21}
- Click here for the show's closing.{1:36}
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Links for more information relating to this show
The Soviet Lunar Program
The Encyclopedia Astronautica is a fabulous reference source about the race between the United States and the Soviet Union to be the first to land a man on the Moon. You can start by viewing their article about the Soviet Lunar landing program. Then read about the N-1 launch vehicle, the Zond unmanned flights around the Moon and the "Universal Rocket". You can also see pictures of the actual Lunar Lander that the Soviets built and read about its complicated development history. But there's much more to be found at this web site. Enjoy. Most highly recommended.
Click here to view a web site about the Soviet Moon Program created by Karl Dodenhoff that includes many pictures of the LK Lander - including the craft's interior - along with information about the N-1, the LOK spacecraft and the Kretchet EVA suit.
Marcus Lindroos has written an excellent monograph about the Soviet Moon Program which can be viewed here
You can view many pictures of the Soviet N-1 Launch Vehicle - their equivalent to the Saturn 5 - at the N-1 Photo Clearinghouse.
C. P. Vick has long studied the Soviet space program and has created many stunning drawings of Soviet spacecraft and rockets. You can see a sample of his work at a web site operated by the Federation of American Scientists.
The Deep Cold web site has many CGI images and movies of Soviet and American spacecraft that were planned but which never flew. These include images and movies of the Soviet LK Lunar Lander. Way cool.
Ninfinger Productions operates a web site dedicated to making models of spacecraft - be sure to check out their "Quick Looks" section for a comprehensive listing of currently available spacecraft model kits - and has a web page filled with pictures of the Soviet Lunar Lander as well as web pages devoted to various other Soviet spacecraft and launch vehicles. This web site also includes video footage of a launch of the N-1.
A number of the small specialty model companies have produced models of various Soviet spacecraft and launch vehicles and can be reached over the 'net. These companies include; Real Space Models, Rho Models, EVA Models, New Ware and Anderson Models.
Mike Mackowski's Space In Miniature web site has reference information about Soviet - and American - spacecraft.
Ralph Currell has created a paper model of the N-1, along with the V-1, V-2 and the spaceship "Friede" from the 1929 science fiction file Frau im
Mond, which you can download for free. Click here to view these kits and download them or click here to view his web site devoted to making paper models. For more information about this hobby, click here to view the paper modeling FAQ. {A special thanks to Hour 25 listener David T. Okamura for telling me about this site.}
Mir News
Click here to learn more about the folks who are planning to go out in an airliner and watch the re-entry of the Mir Space Station.
Click here to go to the web site for MirCorp to learn more about their plans for the future.
Click here to go to the web site for RSC Energia and learn more about the company that builds the Soyuz and much of the hardware for MIR and the ISS.
You can visit a very good web site about the MIR space station by going here.
ISS News
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can find out when the ISS - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
The NEAR Spacecraft and asteroid 433 Eros
Click here to go to the home page for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission. It is filled with background information about the project and contains reports of the mission's most recent discoveries along with many pictures and movies of 433 Eros.
The NEODyS web site contains information about all Near Earth Objects in a searchable database along with web pages for each individual object. Click here to see their page for object 433 Eros.
Space News
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
Return to the Previous Shows Index
Kyrie by Poul Anderson
On Friday February 16, 2001 our show featured a reading of one of my favorite stories by one of my favorite authors - Kyrie by Poul Anderson.
Of the many science fiction stories that various authors have written over the years, I think Kyrie is one of the very best. It is pure science fiction, which is to say it is a story where the science is mandatory not optional. Take the science away and you have no story. In a world where writers and film makers complain that they have to play fast and loose with the science to tell an interesting or exciting story, Kyrie stands as a testament that that just isn't true. But to tell a story like Kyrie takes talent and hard work. And perhaps that is why stories such as this are so rare.
But more than a story about science, Kyrie is a story about people. A love story. And like many love stories it is as tragic as it is loving. It is a story that shows that love knows no bounds, that love flows from a joining of minds and spirits and that it does not matter what physical form carries those minds, for the heart from which love flows transcends any bounds of the physical.
Listen to our show featuring a reading of Kyrie
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {47:44}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{15:00}
- Click here for my reading of Kyrie.{30:11}
- Click here for the show's closing.{1:52}
- Click here to listen an interview with Poul Anderson.
- Click here to listen to our most recent Shows.
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Links for more information relating to this show
Poul Anderson
Click here to view a bibliography of the Poul Anderson's work.
You can read an interview with Poul Anderson at Locus On-Line at this location.
You can view a gallery of paintings done by Michael Whelan illustrating Poul Anderson's stories at this web site or view other cover art from his stories {including many magazine covers featuring his stories} at this web site.
Dr. Who
To find out more about Dr. Who you can check out the official Dr. Who site from the BBC or check out the web site sponsored by the Dr. Who Appreciation Society.
The Twelfth Gallifrey Convention will be held in Los Angeles - well, actually in Van Nuys but who's checking - on February 23-25. If you would like to learn more about this con you can check out their web site.
The NEAR Spacecraft and asteroid 433 Eros
Click here to go to the home page for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission. It is filled with background information about the project and contains reports of the mission's most recent discoveries along with many pictures and movies of 433 Eros.
The NEODyS web site contains information about all Near Earth Objects in a searchable database along with web pages for each individual object. Click here to see their page for object 433 Eros.
Mir News
Click here to go to the web site for MirCorp to learn more about their plans for the future.
Click here to go to the web site for RSC Energia and learn more about the company that builds the Soyuz and much of the hardware for MIR and the ISS.
You can visit a very good web site about the MIR space station by going here.
ISS News
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can find out when the ISS - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
Space News
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
Return to the Previous Shows Index
Harry Turtledove

On Friday February 9, 2001 our guest was Harry Turtledove, a really fine writer who specializes in tales of alternate history and is a one-man 'book of the month' club. {At least it seems like he has a new book coming out almost every month!}
Although it is easy to be amazed at the sheer volume of work that Harry produces, it is the uniformly high quality of his writing that is more important. Whether he is writing fantasy, alternate history or straight science fiction; his stories are always well crafted and filled with authentic and fully rounded characters. He fleshes out his stories with persons and events from real history - those are often the most fantastic parts of his stories - and has an attention to detail that makes his stories come alive. Harry always tells exciting and interesting stories that give you cause to stop and think about the people and forces that have shaped our world.
Harry's stories have a special warmth because he always works in at least one character who shows just how wonderful life can be when you have found your true and proper mate. And this is something where, as Harry has told me several times, he is writing from personal experience.

I sat down with Harry the other night to chat with him about his books and writing. It was a wonderful evening sitting there in his book lined living room listening to him tell his stories and explain how he manages to write so much without trading quality for quantity. Talent is certainly part of his secret - though he is to modest to every say that, so I will - but hard work and dedication to his craft are a major part of his success.

All book covers are copyright to their respective publishers. The photo of Harry is credited to M.C. Valada and is courtesy of Ballantine/Del Rey Books. The "World War- In the Balance" cover was done by Bob Eggleton. Click here to listen to our interview with him.
Listen to our show featuring Harry Turtledove
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {1:37:05}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{10:42}
- Click here for the Harry Turtledove interview.{1:23:48}
- Click here for the show's closing.{1:54}
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Late Update : On Saturday - February 10- the astronauts from Space Shuttle Atlantis successfully berthed the Destiny lab module to the ISS. However, astronaut Robert Curbeam Jr was sprayed with ammonia while hooking up the lab's cooling system during an EVA. The other space walking astronaut, Thomas Jones, was able to clean the ammonia crystals from Curbeam's suit before they returned inside the Shuttle. There was no damage to Curbeam's suit and there appear to be no other problems resulting from this incident. All systems in the lab module appear to be functioning properly.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Harry Turtledove
Click here to go a really good web site about Harry Turtledove and his books. This site has a great deal biographical and bibliographical information as well as a large number of his book covers. {I was able to save a lot of scanning time by borrowing and resizing copies of some of their book cover images. Thanks guys.}
ISS News
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
You can find out when the ISS - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
Space News
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
The NEAR Spacecraft and asteroid 433 Eros
On Monday morning - February 12, 2001 - two special links (link1, link2) will be established for viewing the NEAR mission, beginning at 7 a.m. EST. Please note; these links will not be active until Monday morning and so I have not been able to verify their operation. Also, there will only be a limited number of connections available through these links so you may have to try several times before you can access these links.
Click here to go to the home page for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission. It is filled with background information about the project and contains reports of the mission's most recent discoveries along with many pictures and movies of 433 Eros.
The NEODyS web site contains information about all Near Earth Objects in a searchable database along with web pages for each individual object. Click here to see their page for object 433 Eros.
Explore Space On-Line
Click here to view the on-line version of the Consolidated Lunar Atlas or click here to view the on-line Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon.
Click here to view the on-line Mars Global Surveyor Image Gallery.
Click here to view an on-line version of a traveling museum exhibit about the Hubble Space Telescope and the astronomical discoveries it has made.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
Return to the Previous Shows Index
Rick Fleeter from AeroAstro Inc.
On Friday February 2, 2001 our guest was Dr. Rick Fleeter, the President of AeroAstro, a company that makes micro-satellites and provides space related services to a variety of clients.
Microsatellites, i.e. satellites that weigh less than 500 pounds, are changing the way we use space. They are rapidly becoming the best way for delivering a number of important services to the ground - ranging from remote sensing to keeping track of packages and people as well as providing communications in otherwise out of the way places. Rick Fleeter has been one of the pioneers showing us all new ways to approach how we do things in space.
He passed through LA a few months ago while on his way to see some prospective clients in the far East and while he was here we sat down and chatted about his book, "The Logic of Microspace", and about the hows and whys of microspace. I think you'll find him to be a very interesting guest.
 A microsatellite escorting a larger satellite
 Rick Fleeter
 His book
All pictures are credited to AeroAstro.
Listen to our show featuring Rick Fleeter
- Click here to listen to the entire show. {55:53}
- Click here to listen to the show start.{0:41}
- Click here for the show's opening and news.{15:27}
- Click here for the Rick Fleeter interview.{37:49}
- Click here for the show's closing.{1:56}
- Click here for an index of all Shows on our site.
Links for more information relating to this week's show
Click here to go to the AeroAstro web site.
Click here to go to the Microcosm bookstore where you can get a copy of "The Logic of MicroSpace" or here to go to the Microcosm homepage to learn more about their launch vehicle and mission design activities.
You can also checkout Opamp Technical Books to find a copy of "The Logic of MicroSpace". Our Bookstores, Hobby Shops and More page has information about Opamp or you can click here to go directly to their homepage.
Click here to go to the web site for MirCorp to learn more about their plans for the future.
Click here to go to the web site for RSC Energia and learn more about the company that builds the Soyuz and much of the hardware for MIR and the ISS.
You can visit a very good web site about the MIR space station by going here.
You can find out when MIR - or many other spacecraft - can be seen from your location by going to this NASA web page. Please note; your browser must support Java for this application to work.
Click here to view the press kits for various ISS missions.
Check out the NASA International Space Station web page to learn more about the background for this project.
Do you wonder where the Space Station is right now? You can use your browser to view real time maps showing the location of the ISS by going to this link at the NASA Space Link web site or here at the Johnson Spacecraft Center. Please note that your browser must support Java to make use of this satellite tracking software.
The Spaceflight Now web site carries real time information about current space missions and presents a lot of space and astronomy news. This is the place I go to when I want up to the minute information about current space missions. Do I need to say more?
The NASA Watch web site is another great place for getting information about current space missions. Check there also for news about other 'goings on' within NASA. Highly recommended.
The NEODyS web site contains information about all Near Earth Objects in a searchable database along with web pages for each individual object. Click here to see their page for object 433 Eros.
Click here to go to the home page for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission. It is filled with background information about the project and contains reports of the mission's most recent discoveries along with many pictures and movies of 433 Eros.
Click here for information about the audio files used for Hour 25 and for information about configuring your browser and downloading audio players.
Please note web pages from external sites will open in a separate browser window and that Hour 25 Productions are not responsible for the content of any external Web Sites.
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Check our Audio Index Page for a listing of all the shows available on our site.
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