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August 18, 2002 I just finished this week's show and have uploaded it to the 'net. You can hear our interview with artist Bill Stout by going to our home page and I have updated the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for July 2002. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. We expect to be back to our regular upload schedule shortly. Thanks for your patience. August 3, 2002 Like always it seems to take longer to finish getting the show uploaded than I expected, but this week's show - just don't ask which week this is - has finally gotten uploaded to the web site. And while we were getting this show ready we did three interviews, went to a convention, continued working on computers and rockets and.... well, let's just say the list goes on and on. You can hear the current show featuring Barnaby Wainfan by going to our home page and I have updated the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for July 2002. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. We expect to be back to our regular upload schedule shortly. Thanks for your patience. July 23, 2002 It has been a bit longer than I planned between shows, but with holidays, conventions and dealing with the fall out from the hard drive crash it has taken a while to get a new show up. However, we have finished this week's show featuring Lois McMaster Bujold and have updated the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for June 2002. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. We expect to be back to our regular upload schedule shortly. Thanks for your patience during our recent difficulties. June 23, 2002 Looks like I forgot to update the "Whats New" page for the last show, so if you missed our interview with Chris Kraft be sure to go to the Previous Shows page for June and check it out. He was a very fascinating guest. But for this week I've just finished uploading our show for June 21 - it always seems to take longer to get all of the details sorted out than I expect. I've revised the home page featuring our interview with Robert J. Sawyer along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for June 2002. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. May 30, 2002 It seems like things take ever so much longer while I work around the havoc caused by the Great Hard Disk Crash of 2002. I had most of this week's show done on Monday but getting all of the details right took until just a few minutes ago. But I have now finished uploading this week's show featuring an interview with Peter F. Hamilton. I've revised the home page featuring our interview with Peter along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for May 2002. I'll be working on the Hour 25 computers this coming weekend and trying to recover the data from the dead disk. {I'll also be setting up a rock solid backup system using mirrored hard drives in removeable cases. I'm sure glad hard drive prices have gotten so low. I was able to pick up some IBM Deskstar drives last weekend for roughly $1/Gb of storage.} As a result of this upcoming computer work we will not be uploading a new show until June 8. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. It will be a while before a new edition of the newsletter goes out. May 11, 2002 I've recovered the files needed for the May 3 show and uploaded them. {See DISK CRASH note below.} I've revised the home page featuring our interview with Laurell K. Hamilton along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for April 2002. Work continues on recovering the rest of the Hour 25 files from the dead hard drive. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. It will be a while before a new edition of the newsletter goes out. May 11, 2002 I've recovered the files needed for the May 3 show and uploaded them. {See DISK CRASH note below.} I've revised the home page featuring our interview with Laurell K. Hamilton along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for April 2002. Work continues on recovering the rest of the Hour 25 files from the dead hard drive. Please note; the Hour 25 Newsletter mailing list is still missing in action, so you might want to let your friends know that a new show has been uploaded. It will be a while before a new edition of the newsletter goes out. May 3, 2002 - HOUR 25 DISK CRASH Just as I was getting ready to upload the last files for the May 3 show the computer used to create the Hour 25 web pages had a hard disk crash. {Note: this disk crash does not affect the server used to distribute Hour 25 over the net.} This destroyed the web pages that were in work, the archive of old pages, all current email and the Hour 25 Newsletter distribution list. {It is also playing hob with my internet and email access.} Some data is safe on backups, but like everyone else, my backups are not as current as they should be. I'll be spending the coming days doing disk necromancy to try and recover the lost information from my hard drive. March 27, 2002 I've just finished uploading this week's show featuring our interview Dr. Brian Marsden and an excerpt of a talk given by Dr. Stephen Hawking. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for March 2002 and the Current Calendar page. P.S. It should be obvious that I forgot to include update information about the last show that went up to the web featuring Dan Simmons. That interview can be found on the Previous Shows page for March 2002. March 10, 2002 I've just finished uploading this week's show featuring our interview Howard Hendrix. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for March 2002 and the Current Calendar page. March 4, 2002 I've just finished uploading this week's show featuring our interview David Brin. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for February 2002, the Current Calendar page and the Previous Month's Calendar page. Please take a look at our new format for the Calendar. I hope it makes it more useful for our listeners who live outside the LA region. Also, please note, that the "Authors on Tour" page has now been incorporated into the Calendar page. I also just noticed that I forgot to update this page when I uploaded last week's show. Sorry about that. February 10, 2002 I've made some major changes to the layout of the Current Calendar page. Hopefully this will make the page more useful to you and will also make it easier for me to keep the page current. {Would this count as an example of better, faster, cheaper?} February 9, 2002 I've just uploaded this week's show featuring our interview Terry Pratchett. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for January 2002. Also added an updated address for Monsters in Motion to the Bookshops, Hobby Shops, etc page because they have moved to a new location. January 27, 2002 I've just uploaded this week's show featuring our interview with Dr. John S. Lewis concerning the threat of asteroid impacts and the promise of asteroid resources. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, and the Previous Shows page for January 2002. January 20, 2002 I've just finished uploading this week's show featuring the second part of our interview with Scott Alexander. I've revised the home page along with the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for January 2002, the Current Calendar, and the Bookstores, Hobby Shops and More Page. January 13, 2002 We're back and hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season. This week's show featuring an interview with Scott Alexander is up and I just finished revising the home page along with the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for December of 2001, the Current Calendar, and the Previous Month's Calendar. December 24, 2001 Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Joyous Ramadan, Cheerful Kwanzaa or Happy Whatever-Winter-Solstice-Holiday you celebrate! Suzanne has done a great job on doing this week's show featuring seasonal stories with a twist of the fantastic and I've just finished uploading it to our web site. The latest version of the home page along with revised versions of the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in December of 2001 are now available. We'll be taking off for the New Year's weekend so we want to wish you all the best wishes for the season and we'll be bringing you more interviews with people from the worlds of science and Science Fiction next year. Thaks for making us a part of your life. December 23, 2001 Life has certainly been busy, which explains why it took so long to get this week's show up. We've got the holiday rush and all the things to do for that and then, just to keep things interesting, I started a new job doing trajectory design for Northrop-Grumman. To say I'm busy is a real understatement. But despite all the activity of the season I just finished uploading the latest show and revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in December of 2001. We will have another show out on Christmas eve, so stay tuned and have a wonderful holiday. December 9, 2001 As seems to always be the case, it takes longer to get the show up than I expected. And this week was no exception. Exams at school - do students have any idea how long teachers work on creating and grading tests? - and some exciting developments in the 'rocket science' side of my life have joined together to delay this week's show. But it's up now and I think it is an especially interesting one. You can hear it here. I've also revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in November of 2001. November 23, 2001 Whew. It was a rush but it looks like we got the job done. This week's show was recorded at LosCon 28 and has just been uploaded. You can hear the show here. I've also revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in November of 2001. And if you missed last week's interview with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, you can hear that here. November 21, 2001 Looks like I forgot to update the 'What's New' page the last time I uploaded a show. Well, what can I say? Shi... er, stuff happens. Just got this week's show uploaded which features an interview with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. {Last week's show with Ben Bova can be found on the Previous Shows for November page.} Also revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in November of 2001. November 2, 2001 Sometimes you can't get ahead for getting ahead. It has been a busy couple of weeks, we've managed to record something like 16 interviews for broadcast over the coming months. Unfortunately the time it took to do those interviews got in the way of getting this week's Halloween show uploaded on time. I hate it when that happens. Anyway, I just finished uploading this week's show which discusses The War of the Worlds and has a reading of the Larry Niven story Night on Mispec Moor. Also revised the pages for the Audio Index, the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in October of 2001, the Current Calendar, and Previous Calendar. October 16, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show which features our interview with Ursula K. LeGuin and also has an interview with Rick Tumlinsom about the upcoming Space Frontier Foundation conference. Also revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in October of 2001. October 9, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show which features an interview with authors Howard V. Hendrix and Geoffrey Landis. Also revised the pages for the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in September of 2001. September 30, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show which features an interview with author Catherine Asaro. Also revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in Septemebr of 2001. Also added so additional cross references for recent shows onto the left margin of the main page. September 24, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show which features an interview with former astronaut Carl Meade. Also revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in Septemebr of 2001. September 14, 2001 Uploaded this week's show which features a silent remembrance of the people killed during the terrorist attack on America on September 11 as well as offering my thoughts about the true heroes of that dark day. Check back to this page often since I am adding information about things you can do for the victims as I find that information. Also revised the pages for the the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in September of 2001. I've added 'place keeper' pages for the 'Previous Shows' for the remaining months of the year, but there is obviously no information on those pages yet. September 10, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring Gary Huber and Jamie Krutz from 3D Nature and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Previous Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in August of 2001. It took a bit of extra time to finish up this week's show since I got caught in a series of computer upgrade issues, but all those got sorted out and the Hour 25 computer network is again running fine. August 30, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring Harry Turtledove and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in August of 2001. Be sure to check out the Authors on Tour Page as I have added some new information about authors who are currently touring. August 19, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring Brad Peebler from NewTek and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in August of 2001. August 13, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring Pat Murphy and Michaela Roessner and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Last Month's Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in July of 2001. I fixed a broken link on the audio index page for a reading of an H.G.Wells story. {There was a short delay in getting all the files up for this week's show uploaded so I could have some time to celebrate Suzanne's birthday.} August 2, 2001 Posted information about the death of Poul Anderson and announced that there would not be a new edition of Hour 25 this week. July 29, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring David Brin and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in July of 2001. July 18, 2001 Just finished uploading the last bits for this week's show with Lois McMaster Bujold and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in July of 2001. July 1, 2001 Just finished a bunch of changes to the site and uploaded this week's show with Neil Gaiman and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for June of 2001. The big change to the site is that I have split up the Previous Shows pages for 2001 into single month units. The multi-month format had been yielding fairly large web pages that were a bit slow to load. The new arrangement should solve that problem. I've updated the Audio Index so all the links point to the new URLs, but if anyone finds a broken link just let me know. I think I caught everything, but you know..... June 24, 2001 Just finished uploading the last bits for this week's show with Paul Levinson and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. June 17, 2001 OK, now I've got the Kim Stanley Robinson show uploaded. I just finished uploading This Week's Show and have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. I've also added some links for paper kit modeling to the Science Fiction Modeling links page. June 9, 2001 I know this is not the Kim Stanley Robinson show that I had said we'd be having next, but things came up and I had to take a short break from doing Hour 25 so I could deal with some important personal business. We're back at work on getting Stan's show ready and will be uploading it next weekend. This week's show brings you several of the science track guests from Agamemcon 5, which is being held this weekend even as I write these words. This week's show has been uploaded and I have revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Last Month's Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. I've also added a page with links to various web sites related to Science Fiction Modeling. May 29, 2001 Well, it took considerably longer to finish than planned, but the current show has finally been uploaded. Check out our interviews with Joe Haldeman and John Lester on this week's show. I also revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. May 19, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring our interview with Connie Willis and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. May 12, 2001 Finished uploading this week's show featuring our interview with Tad Williams and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in May and June of 2001. Also updated the other Previous Shows pages to include navigational references to the newest Previous Shows page. While finishing the upload I learned that Douglas Adams had died and so I made a quick update to the index page giving this sad news to everyone. May 5, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring our interview with Tananarive Due and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Last Month's Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. Also updated our Authors on Tour Page with information about Tad Williams and other authors current signing tour. April 30, 2001 There was a bit of a delay in getting this show uploaded because of some adventures in the rocket science side of my life and also because we were busy interviewing a boatload of authors who were in town for the 2001 Meeting of SFWA and the L.A. Time Festival of Books. Anyone who does not think that LA is a 'book city' never saw the crowds of people at our annual book festival. Wow, it was crowded and fun. In any case, today I uploaded this week's show featuring the second part of our interview with Charles Edward Pogue and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. Also updated our page listing the winners of the Nebula awards. April 19, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring our interview with Charles Edward Pogue and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Previous Month's Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. Our break was a little longer than we originally planned - Suzanne and I wanted to have a bit more free time to enjoy our Easter holiday - but things are getting back on track. Our next show should go up in a few days and the one after that is expected for the following weekend. March 30, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring our interview with China Mieville and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. We had another series of technical problems - individually none of them were any big deal, but taken together it was like getting pecked to death by ducks - so the show was really late in getting uploaded. Suzanne and I are going to take a break for a week or so and catch our breath and try and get all those problems sorted out so we can get back onto a regular schedule. Our next show will be loaded to the 'net on April 13. March 21, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring our readings of the H.G. Wells story The Door in the Wall and the Poul Anderson story Call Me Joe and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, the Audio Index and the Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. Many apologies to all of you for the lateness with which this show got uploaded. We had a series of technical problems after we recorded the show and were thus delayed in getting the show on the 'net. Sorry about that. March 12, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring an interview with author Laurie R. King and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Previous Shows, Previous Shows for January and February and the Audio Index. Started a new Previous Shows page for the shows airing in March and April of 2001. By the way, if you are wondering why the show got done on Saturday instead of Friday... it was so that I could include news about Discovery docking with the ISS, which happened in the wee early hours of Saturday. March 4, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring an interview with author Tim Powers and revised the pages for the Current Calendar, Previous Month's Calendar, Previous Shows, and the Audio Index. February 24, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring an interview with Michael Cassutt - author of Red Moon, a really good fictional account of the Soviet Moon Program - and revised the pages for the Calendar, Previous Shows, and the Audio Index. February 22, 2001 This week's show, i.e. the one for February 16, got uploaded late because Suzanne and I were really sick last week. {What can I say, we share everything.} But we're better now, I've finished the show and got everything up on the 'new. Uploaded this week's show featuring a reading of Poul Anderson's story Kyrie and revised the pages for the Calendar, Previous Shows, and the Audio Index. February 11, 2001 Got the new show featuring Harry Turtledove uploaded along with updates to the Previous Shows and the Audio Index. I did a major change to the organization of the "Previous Shows" pages and the audio index. Now the older shows will have a fixed URL once they make it to the "Previous Shows" category and will not have their address change around like they have done in the past. Also reduced the number of shows on each individual "Previous Shows" page, so this should make the pages load faster. I think I've gotten all the URLs for the Previosu Shows updated everywhere, but feel free to let me know if you find any broken links. February 3, 2001 After a short break to catch our breath we've completed another show and uploaded it to the 'net. Check out this week's show featuring Rick Fleeter along with the revised pages for the Previous Shows and the Audio Index. January 25, 2001 This week's show, i.e. the one for January 19, got uploaded late because Suzanne and I have been really busy with our other jobs. But the show is finally here. Uploaded this week's show featuring Bob Eggleton and revised the pages for the Calendar, Previous Shows, and the Audio Index. January 13, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring Orson Scott Card and revised the pages for the Calendar, Previous Shows, Authors on Tour and the Audio Index. Moved the October-December 2000 shows to their own page. January 7, 2001 Uploaded this week's show featuring Phil Lublin from Lunar Models and revised the pages for the Calendar, Previous Shows, Authors on Tour and the Audio Index. Added an entry for The Monster Cellar to the Bookstores, Hobby Shops and More page. December 31, 2000 Uploaded this week's show featuring Harry Knowles and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. December 23, 2000 Uploaded this week's show featuring Holiday readings and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. December 16, 2000 Uploaded this week's show featuring Caleb Carr and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. December 12-15, 2000 Made various changes to our web server's configuration files and the Hour 25 web site to eliminate the problem that Netscape users had encountered when trying to listen to the show. This problem should now be solved. December 10, 2000 Uploaded the completed "Welcome to Hour 25" page that contains information about the history of the show and describes what can be found on the Hour 25 web site. December 8, 2000 Moved all of the web pages to a new server and modified the Home page on the old server so it would redirect people to our new site at : www.hour25online.com. Uploaded this week's show featuring George R.R. Martin and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. December 1, 2000 Uploaded this week's show and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. November 29, 2000 Updated the Authors on Tour page with additional information about Caleb Carr's signings. November 24, 2000 Uploaded this week's show and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. November 23, 2000 Updated the Authors on Tour page with information about Caleb Carr's signings. Revised the Home Page to include a section called Science Fiction Matters. This will be an on-going repository for information relating to science fiction. November 17, 2000 Uploaded this week's show and revised the Previous Shows page and the Audio Index page. Added a page with information about books for Children. November 14, 2000 Added a new page with information about bookstores, hobby shops and other places of interest to science fiction folks in SoCal. Broke the "Previous Shows" page into multiple pages divided into 3 month periods. The previous version of that page had been getting to large for easy loading. November 13, 2000 Added a page for notes about new stuff added to the web site. <grin> All rights reserved. |